Tuesday, March 8, 2011

cultural event 3

Kayla Vahling
Cultural Event #3
Photo Portfolio

023 Gallery Opening

Along with other photography and art students, I attended the opening of the photography show, 3445: Photos at the 023 Gallery on Thursday, March 3.  The show was in a small gallery space, but the small number of images fit nicely in the space.  The overall feeling was an intimate display of a wide variety of photographic images.  The images were those of a photography portfolio class, so it was interesting to see the differences in people’s personal styles through single images from their larger bodies of work.
            The opening drew a fairly large crowd for such a small gallery space.  It was interesting to hear the feedback on, and questions about the imagery.  Because there was not a cohesive theme to the show, (other than that it was the portfolio work of a specific class) it was interesting to hear the theories that viewers arrived at as to how the images went together.
            Overall the opening for the 3445: Photos show at the 023 Gallery was a lot of fun.  Lots of students attended the opening, and the discussions were very interesting.  In addition, the images were all impressive and the space fit the show very well in my opinion.

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